Revelations of Identity by Alexis Mendoza, Essay
Revelaciones e identidad en la fotografía de Frank Guiller
Frank Guiller: La fotografía me reconoció, La Libélula vaga
Frank Guiller (album cover) – Natural Jazz – song by Arema Arega
Frank Guiller (collaboration) – Natural Jazz – song by Arema Arega
Frank Guiller (collaboration) – Citadina N. Y. – Black Mama’s Magic song by Arema Arega
Frank Guiller, Book: Fragments, NEW YORK
Frank Guiller, Book: NEW YORK, Portrait of the City
Art on Cuba Interview by Maylin Pérez Parrado / 1 noviembre, 2016
Exhibition on contemporary Cuban art that investigates global interconnectivity
Contemporary Photography at the Union City Art Museum
In New York, 7 Cuban Artists of the Diaspora
Articulo by Gerardo Fernández, Fotos de Rank, Penultimos Dias, Portfolio
Interview by Gini Miguez Lima, dec 2011, photography
Interview by Gini Miguez Lima, dec 2011, movies
Tersites, el cristal con que se mira